Apostille, Consular Legalization for China, Egypt, UAE, Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan
Apostille, Consular Legalization for China, Egypt, UAE, Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan
The answer depends on the type of the document you need to have Apostilled in California. There are some distinct requirements when it comes to getting California Apostille:
California Vital records are eligible for apostille if they are recently issued certified copies issued by the CA Vital Records Office. County Records signed by Local Registrars (MDs) must first be authenticated by the relevant county clerk. This includes:
Divorce records must be certified copies issued by the Superior Court of the County where the divorce was granted.
Personal, business and all other non-recordable documents must be duly notarized as per California Notary Statutes. The notary, in most cases, must use the most recent form of California Acknowledgment. This includes:
Business certificates must be recently issued certified copies with the "page stamp" when applicable. This extends to:
School records such as CA diplomas, California certificates, CA transcripts and letters must be duly notarized to be eligible for California Apostille.
CA Apostille processing can be done on rush and regular basis. California does not offer same day apostille processing like many other states.
Following documents can be requested and processed for California Apostille:
California Birth Certificate apostille
California Marriage Certificate apostille
California Divorce Decree apostille
California No Marriage Record Certificate apostille
California Single Status Affidavit apostille
California Statutory Declaration of Single Status apostille
California Criminal Background Check apostille
California Notarized Passport Copy apostille
California Driver License Copy apostille
California Diploma apostille
California University Transcripts apostille
California School Reports apostille
California Bylaws apostille
California Articles of Incorporation apostille
California Status Certificate apostille
California Annual Report apostille
California Corporate Resolution apostille
California Incumbency Certificate apostille
California Notarized EIN letter apostille
California Power of Attorney apostille
California Agreement apostille
California Appointment apostille
California State Statutes apostille
If you need assistance with CA Apostille, feel free to reach out. Apostille review for documents is offered at no cost to you, and will give you a basic idea if your documents are apostille ready.
If you want us to handle everything for you, feel free to order California apostille online.
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